Logo designs, used interchangeably throughout
the branding for the exhibition - Ed Harland
Wayfinding for the exhibition, using the same stacking motif as the logos - Ed Harland
Two sets of poster designs, to be used alternatively
in the promotion of the exhibition - Ed Harland
Double-sided envelop used with the physical invitations - Thea Koutas, Joe Turner
The physical invite that will be sent to a multitude of design
studios, both local and national - Joe Turner
A feedback card to allow visitors to leave comments
about the exhibition - Joe Turner
A list of design studios, both local and national, that we will invite
to attend the launch of the exhibition - Beth Phillimore
The Get Rich Facebook, Twitter and Instagram pages used to promote the event - Alec Beddall
The stock exchange graph concept applied to the interior of the exhibition space
From this presentation we were selected to put together a professional pitch for the sponsors of the exhibition. For this next presentation we will