In addition to the poster series, a small zine was created to allow the form of the building to visually explored further. The zine incorporated the triptych of poster designs, and created a short narrative from the engineering of the physical structure, to its gradual decline into a derelict building.
A zine format is the most accessible format for visual material to be shared with a wider audience, and would allow for an increased engagement with the project. During the research phase, a news article about the hyperbolic roof labeled the structure as a 'Winged Wonder', and this title seemed appropriate for the zine.
Feedback during the design development for the poster series revealed that editing found imagery of the building to create a grey-on-black effect created a successful visual representation of the decline of the building, and so images edited using this technique were included in the zine. The black and white colour scheme was continued to allow for continuity between all material.
High quality production of the book was not possible during the time for this project due to circumstances outside of my personal control that affected access to such printing facilities, and was not a consequence of poor time management.