Wednesday, March 22, 2017

OUGD503 - Studio Brief 02 - Royal Opera House Submission

After the completion of our defined deliverables, I helped the group to design a series of submission boards to submit to the YCN competition. The boards showcase the designs of the posters and stickers to highlight the concept behind our work, and also feature additional deliverables including the snapchat filters, app and the new branding digitally imposed onto a possible range of merchandise.

Presenting this project in a final group critique produced positive responses to the work. It was discussed that the bold colours were highly appropriate for an audience of either gender and would be effective in attracting a new audience to the Royal Opera House. The type treatment, designed by Shell Kaur, was also commended for being modern and on-trend, yet still retaining a sense of traditional production, reflecting the values of the Royal Opera House company. The vector illustrations, designed by Megan Swan and Sophia Watts, received postive feedback as they were also agreed to be appropriate for the target audience, and also audiences both younger and older. The concept of creating a map and a package in order to allow an audience to understand the accessibility of attending a ballet show was commended as it provided a clear and strong message that directly solved the problems identified within our research.

The publication was critiqued and found to be successful in it's use of cohesive colour and type treatment. It was also noted that the use of social media, particularly the Snapchat filters,  and the app were highly appropriate for the intended target market and would allowed the Royal Opera House to connect with their audience on many new levels, expanding the reach of the brand and the opportunities that it presents for young people.

As a group we worked cohesively to create an effective response to the brief. Communication between individual members was organised through weekly group meetings and social media. Minutes were taken at each meeting to ensure that all members were informed as to the decisions and discussions that had taken place. The work for the project was divided evenly between members and was assigned based on individual strengths - Shelly, Sophia and Meg directed the illustration design and I directed the editorial design with additional app and social media designs. All decisions were critiqued by the group and through regular peer critique sessions with tutors and members from Illustration, Animation and Graphic Design courses.

This proposal was submitted to the YCN competition, was accepted, and is awaiting a reply.