50 Years of Choice is a project created by Millie Tyler and Leah Fredrickson, celebrating the 50th anniversary of the Abortion Act in England. 50 Years of Choice exists as a limited edition publication, featuring 50 typographic responses from women all over the world. These respond to, and visualise tweets about abortion and as a collection, they aim to raise awareness about choice, equality and most urgently, the vote to Repeal the 8th amendment in Ireland. All profits made by 50 Years of Choice will go to ASN, working to give women a choice.
Send an email to 50yearsofchoice@gmail.com to register your participation in the project and the 50 Years team will allocate you a tweet to turn into a typographic poster
The poster must be black and white, A3 with a 3mm bleed, high resolution pdf
Use a typeface designed by a female or one that a female has worked on (your own type is even better), and include the name of the typeface in your submission
It is not necessary to use the whole tweet, just the parts that are most important to the concept of the poster design
Submit the poster by sending to 50yearsofchoice@gmail.com
karen mulhern
Written in the Sky #RepealThe8th
not all of the tweet has to be used in the poster design, just the parts the feel are most relevant