Thursday, October 13, 2016

OUGD504 - Studio Brief 01 - The Use of Ceramics

Through the research and idea generation conducted so far, both surrounding the production of independent newspapers and the use of ceramics within this project, I have concluded that ceramics as a focal point would not be the most appropriate response to the brief.

Ceramic as a material has a strong link to the station in both it's structural and aesthetic appeal, and also has the potential to produce a range of interesting and varied responses. However, considering its qualities, any ceramic pieces produced would reflect fragile and ornamental properties. This contrasts dramatically with the properties of a newspaper, which is more hard-wearing to withstand constant reading and handling, and it ultimately more disposable.

It is therefore the most appropriate decision to exclude the use of ceramics from this project and focus on the production of a robust newspaper which can withstand use and distribution on the metro system.