Monday, October 10, 2016

OUGF504 - Studio Brief 01 - Ceramic Artist Research

In order to gauge the full scope of how ceramic material might be incorporated into this brief, I researched a variety of ceramic artists to act as reference point for my own work.

The first example is a former LCA Visual Communications student named Alex Sickling. Sickling classes herself as an image maker, illustrator and ceramicist and describes her work as 'often wonky, lo-fi, and naively made figures and objects'. A typical example of her work is showcased below in her Scouts series, a collection a ceramic sculptures exploring scouting culture in America. The collection explores the rich history of the Scouts organisation in a humorous and quirky way, taking an ornamental view of the iconic imagery of the uniforms, canoes and tents. The pieces are simply made but possess great character and narrative.

Grayson Perry's The Rosetta Vase and The Frivolous Now demonstrate the ways in which ceramic pieces can be used a base for illustrations. Within this project it could be possible to create illustrations of station scenes incorporating the typeface into the images.

Georgina Warne's porcelain works also feature hand drawn illustrations but demonstrate a more sculptural approach to ceramics, and are also reflective of traditional ming vases.